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About Me
Contact Me

Do you offer other documentation services than those listed?

If you tell me what you need, I will tell you if it is within my capabilities. I will not waste your time or mine if I cannot help and will let you know immediately if this is the case.

Can you provide references?

Yes, on request, I will provide professional and personal references.

How long have you been working in documentation?

In different capacities, with many different types of documentation, I have worked in the field for more than twenty-five years.

What is your IT background?

I spent 12 years working in part as an IT trainer and consultant, providing business solutions and training custom applications, Windows networking and all Microsoft Office applications as a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT).

Do you provide printed solutions?

No. I do not have suitable facilities for producing professional printed output, but all completed documentation is supplied electronically in the format of your choice in a manner that can be printed. Most professional printers will accept electronic input in Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Also, in my experience it usually works out cheaper for you to print locally.

Can you edit any images I want to use in my presentations or documents?

Yes, if you can supply an original good quality image, preferably electronically, but if a printed image is of good quality, I will attempt to scan it for you and edit as required.

If you have any other questions, please email them to me and I will answer if I can.



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